cum_on_jack [any]
one of Chomsky’s better takes is that virtually every debt held by countries like Bolivia (owed to the IMF) should be nullified under our own doctrine of odious debt, which states that debt is illegitimate if it’s incurred via threat of violence or under extreme duress
seems like a totally cool and good thing to have on the books until you realize we only invented it to get out of paying Cuban debt to Spain when we “liberated” Cuba lmao, apparently the rest of the world is shit outta luck!
Hey, Stephen! The “good party” all those stupid Texans should have ostensibly voted for currently holds all three branches of governement, and you’ll notice we don’t even have a basic stimulus bill passed yet! In fact, they’re working diligently to make it smaller and smaller, and to means test it so that millions of people who need it get absolutely nothing!
Haha! Take THAT Donald Trump!
I was in a moderately popular “LGBTQ+” tagged stream last week, and watched in horror as the streamer just singled out one of her viewers by name and verbally berrated them for like 10 minutes, even called them “disgusting” for – wait for it – disagreeing with a mod in her channel. It was over the most innocuous thing, and I just remember being like “yeah that person totally deserved to be verbally abused in front of hundreds of people”
okay im sorry but what the actual fuck are those legs? her skin just turns into a boot shape?