Card. Have always used a credit card as much as possible to pay for everything since I was able to. That was Barclaycard in 1981 - £2 limit as I was underage. Back in the day Barclaycards were used as £50 cheque guarantee cards which they would issue to me as a minor, but they also served as credit cards for adults.
Cards are OPM and legislation protects us for purchases over £100 and I never carry a balance.
There is never any point in using a debit card to pay for anything. Reversing a transaction is a 'mare and you assume all the risk. Chase offer 1% cashback but I’d never use it (read:assume the risk) for anything where 1% would be worth having.
I tend to (over)spend cash if I have it, but cards I don’t over-spend at all. I’ve never been able to work out why. Not broken so not fixed.
Almost exclusively Amex, but carry a MasterCard too for those occasional times where Amex isn’t accepted locally or I’m in mainland Europe. Amex customer service is exceptional. My MasterCard bill is maybe two transactions a month; pennies.
The only place I pay physical cash is the barber. It’s a pain in the arse.
Money laundering regulations here are now insane.
Does noone use glances anymore?
People who treat others who cannot benefit them well. For example, wait staff.
Another X wishes, X > 1.
Thank-you to the best testers.
I served my time with other products, mostly Blackberry, who totally ignored our reports, but time for the next generation to supercede me.
Lots of things: everything from Jordan Peterson to Jeff Geerling, Fedora magazine to Firefox.
Quite a few websites, feature RSS feeds. You’d be surprised.
Probably twice or more as often as I complain. I’m not shy about either and I make sure that there complaint is reasonable, not about scoring points, and with an easy way out.
I am really anti people who only complain. Finding fault with something is really easy compared to complementing.
Finding fault with yourself is twice as easy as even that.
A simple complement can change a day and/or prevent a suicide that you would never know about.
If you want to know who someone is, watch how they treat people who they believe are ‘below’ them. If something is still ‘off’, get them drunk: real personalities come out to play when inhibition is completely gone.
Not optimal. On a subjective level from great distance, poor bloke, but the wider issue is more important.
Does that coincide with what he identified as? What were his pronouns?
I don’t but i note increasing difficulty in upgrading/keeping prior extensions to the new version of gnome.
For example, “recent files” extensions for the top bar used to number in the threes I think. With the last gnome version there was only one which wasn’t the most useful of the lot. I use it because it makes it easier beginning again the following day, rather than the extra step of opening the file mangler. I’ll probably go with the majority and drop it once I upgrade to Fedora 39.
Looks like gnome is becoming more useful to people in basic guise, incorporating many of the extension functions within the main GUI, and so the once popular extensions are becoming unmaintained.