
Principal Kath pulled out an Army roster from 1905, a newspaper, an official finance committee report from 1920, a book with a constitution and bylaws, another newspaper and lots of dust as he announced each item to the people in the room.
The press was told that in the paperwork was a roster of all of the items in the box, which contained financial statements and coins, among other items.
What’s up with the focus on finances? Now I want to know the contents of the financial committee report and financial statements. I’m guessing one probably can’t get a digital copy.
Depends what device you run, but Xournal++ is useful. Otherwise pdftk.
It’s my daily driver. It has incredible compatibility and very nice features, for example the rule based filter actions, header matching, which immensely boosts my workflow efficiency. Not to mention the calendars and tasks integration and the great extensibility via the plugin system.
Thunderbird is a great example of community driven awesomeness.
2010 MacBook Pro, still runs Arch with ease (back when I set it up I had more time than I do now, would go with a less DIY-ish distro nowadays, probably something Debian based)
The only chore was to get the RTC alarm wake up working, which was a bit hacky.