All he does anymore is breadtube drama
Sniff and how do you plan on getting 380 million people to voluntarily relocate from where they’ve lived for generations?
“Im sad because the apocalypse is coming and I can’t find a job”
“Oh well lol you ever try like not being sad?”
fuck therapy. useless
It’s how it worked for me. What is the point of talking if some overpaid fuckin lib dipshit is just gonna go “lol dont be sad lmao”
Breadtube is Channel Awesome 2.0 complete with that same lame fuckin theater kid energy, they are best left ignored
Stay jelly of the borough with the best Pizza and the best parks
I’m relaying my experience. It didn’t work for me, so if anyone ever asks if they should seek out therapy I’ll always say “fuck no, there’s a thing called weed and The Empire Strikes Back”
“Please recommend a thing that did not work to other people”
brb also gonna recommend people to go to the chinese resturant that gave me food poisoning because hey- maybe it will work for them?