weren’t they the country that like got really into anti-vax shit before it was cool and brought back measles?
I have some extended family from Switzerland. like somebody I am barely related to married a swiss guy and lived in Switzerland for several decades.
they are batshit. they moved to one of the shittiest & reactionary states in the US after retiring and the guy claims to have an allergy to batteries, wifi and DC current. like he can’t/won’t ride in an electric vehicle or hybrid.
I don’t know that they were antivax explicitly, but before there was a vaccine they espoused the whole ‘contract it and develop immunity’ idiocy
So not too functionally different
edit: mixed up Sweden and Switzerland, see rest of chain below
he’s fine with AC current though? DC is fine as long as its reversing polarity at several thousand hertz?
I honestly have not drilled down into it with him. I live several states away. we aren’t close relations. when I stay with my parents for like holidays in the same state, he doesn’t come over for stuff because of his “allergy”. he won’t venture into their house (wifi). they exchange stuff in the driveway and visit briefly then.
the whole protocol is absurd and I don’t participate. I would not keep a straight face.
no clue if they’ve gotten the covid jab, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re on the 5G train.
It is extremely common for Americans to refer to Switzerland and Sweden as the same place, often referring to them as one singular country. That’s probably what’s happening here.
Also common with Taiwan/Thailand, Austria/Australia, Iran/Iraq, and probably a lot of others. My coworker the other day was trying to remember the name of Poland and referred to it as “one of those Russian countries.”
switzerland, swaziland, sweden, singapore. they’re all the same to americans
How many Europeans know all 50 states? If not, why should we bother to learn the names of theirs?
Damn, guess Israel needs to carpet-bomb Switzerland now for being so un-woke. :capitalist-woke:
can we just admit europe sucks more ass for once without deflecting to america
Maybe it’s just the ruling political class that’s more conservative for whatever reason
To be fair, you can hardly expect them to tell the difference between two fascist-collaborator “neutral” countries whose names start with S.