This doesn’t look like it was written by someone that isn’t intelligent.
You’re probably self medicating yourself through ADHD and/or anxiety and it’s also not helping with the anxiety and/or depression you might be experiencing.
20s is prime “what do I do with my life” for most - and it doesn’t always go away as you age.
Congrats. Just curious – where abouts in the project was “hand model placement animation cursor” added?
I have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about – but I might check if some harness extension with the same pinout exists and if it could be relocated to the interior.
Throwing a smaller 12v fan or some kind of ducting to direct air across the heatsink would certainly be the cheapest/easiest first pass solution.
I need laugh tracks so I know when to laugh.
Looking through my emails – I was paying $40 before I terminated in early 2023. I don’t immediately recall what plans they had offered.
If you’re planning on going mobile there are some spots where my Verizon SIM was running on 3rd party towers. In those areas I wouldn’t get connectivity with my Visible SIM.
Visible was noticeably deprioritized enough to where I could not recommend it for gaming.
Streaming and overnight updates or downloads are where I found use for Visible before I switched to Starlink for bulk downloads needs.
Old cellphone.
Can someone explain why half of the comments don’t make sense? Was the OP edited? Bot flux capacitors crossed streams?
Just don’t. There’s not too much of a benefit but adding to the grocery budget. 1-2 Monster a day habits add up quick.
For lower amounts of caffeine I was going to suggest a tea of some kind - but if it we’d like for it to carbonated then maybe Kombucha?