fadsdie [undecided]
99% of intersex people fall comfortably into either male or female. Very little actually falls inbetween. Beyond that very few trans people are actually intersex either.
Non binary is so anti gatekeeping that every single human that has ever existed can accurately identify as non-binary. All you have to do to be NB is believe that you don’t 100% fit into strict gender roles. That’s it. Literally everyone can do that. Its a meaningless label. Saying you identify as non binary tells someone absolutely nothing about you except that you think people who identify as men/women actually fit neatly into those gender roles.
Most people think sex and gender are the same thing because they are treated as synonyms by all of our laws. Plus progressivism from the 90s until the 2010s made defining gender as anything other than your sex, sexist. Like saying being a man/women is about how you dress or act is extremely sexist to the vast majority of the population.
It doesnt sound like he got rich, just not desperate. This isnt really a surprise, people will always support their own self interest. We need more people to have terrible material conditions if we want our ideology to gain support. Things just haven’t gotten bad enough for the vast majority of people in America yet. Trump panic gave us a temporary bump in popular conscious, but that seems to have all evaporated since Biden was elected.
It sounds like Bookchin is dunking on crust punks/the skater scene. This is extremely based. I will seek out some Bookchin to read for myself.
I mean you have to realize that our takes on evictions are massively unpopular with most people. As true leftists we are an impossibly small minority. Like what did you expect as a response?
Look the witches are fighting the Taliban with their hexes. What are you doing to contribute?