femicrat [she/her]
See? This is the kind of reaction the “debunkers” have. It’s this spiteful, sarcastic throwing rotten tomatoes at The Other that turned me off of their worldview.
All I have to say is, a lot of things people such as Lazar have been saying for a long time seem are being repeated by these highly credible government officials. For the past few years they’ve been leaking info bit by bit to get us psychologically ready for the “we are not alone” moment.
See! See! That’s exactly what I’m talking about! It’s failure to address the central claim while waving around the discrediting information the government spread to discredit him. You’ll notice they always do this: attack the man instead of the claim. They’re really good at digging up dirt. If you cheated on a test in sixth grade they’ll find out about it and tell the world never to trust a cheater.
Of course there’s no evidence, it’s been closely guarded for decades. Was he supposed to smuggle out a UFO part in his jacket or something?
I’m bookmarking this comment to come back to when the announcements are made.
I used to be with the “debunkers” until I saw that it’s just an emotional release for them to point at The Other and say, “you’re WRONG!” I used to love the Amazing Randi when he would appear on Johnny Carson but when I started reading his stuff it all fell apart for me.
See, you’re talking about the crazy UFO cult types while this new evidence is about actual materials of craft recovered. It’s easy and emotionally fulfilling to debunk the cult types. They’re so cringe. They were the best tool the government ever had to keep people from believing the truth.
What, the materials? Well obviously we don’t know. But materials that defy the laws of physics as we know them. For example, being able to make sudden high G turns without slowing down or killing the living beings inside by squashing them against the walls.
XCOM had Elerium-115, and it’s long been conjectured that element 115, unlike all the other high atomic number elements, is stable. Who knows what alloys can be made with it? It’s enough to keep science occupied for as long as they’ve been preoccupied with computer chips.
Yeah, that’s my favorite untold story, how they came just this close to declaring war on the USSR in February 1940. There would have been an expeditionary force and bombing of Soviet oilfields from French Syria. But then the Finns surrendered and we were shunted onto the timeline we’re familiar with.