I suspect it’s somewhat inevitable, since in order to sync you need to know what’s the difference between files here and there (unless using smth like zfs send which should be able to send only the changes, I guess?). I’d probably tag everything at once and then sync
I’d prefer land of the feed.rss
Have you by chance used xournalpp? If so, is it better or worse in terms of features?
The sources are released under a source-available license, you are legally prohibited from reading them
It depends… 3d printing works fine :D
I guess you should use proxmox at this point 🤣
A bit of an update here: I decided to do it. Basically, 1st you need to desolder the flex cable, starting with 2 positive wires and not shorting them to other stuff (I haven’t tried doing it myself, but it doesn’t seem like a good idea)
Then solder everything but positive, isolate, solder positives, isolate. I used hot glue since I’m in the middle of nowhere and too impatient to wait for some more appropriate stuff to be delivered.
Then install the contraption into the case which doesn’t fully close now, but it’s unnoticeable when plugged in into the laptop.