Regarding the picture: I lelieve that’s not how you turn 2280 ssd into 2242…
Idk, I probably haven’t used Debian derivatives long enough, but isn’t installing random .deb-s somewhat of a bad practice? I mean, repos exist for a reason (ignoring the fact they usually have like 3 packages in the official repos)
I guess you should use proxmox at this point 🤣
Idk, being born in the early 2000s didn’t make torrenting any harder. Dare I say, it was the opposite: in the 10s, when I got into all this this, there already was a bunch of well-established trackers with tons of content one could use without fear of downloading a piece of malware instead of a new shiny game, for example.
Welp, the message you’ve cross-posted was since edited to include
Edit: They claim they will make that part open source too, eventually, and it is due to behavior of another browser: https://github.com/Floorp-Projects/Floorp-core/issues/62
Huh, why would one make up a bird? A reference to the memespiracy theory that birds don’t exist?
This one doesn’t, tho, unless you care how presentable the back of your pc is… And mine was for a few years just an array of parts and wires on the side of my desk, soooo…
BTW, nixos allows you to easily roll back to a previous generation on boot in case an update breaks something.
Just sayin’ 😁
The sources are released under a source-available license, you are legally prohibited from reading them
I know, right… Damn foss enthusiasts, you show 'em sources in order to get some cheap publicity, and those bastards immediately start raising a stink over you slightly attempting to fuck them over with licensing