ghostofvirgil [any,he/him]
first she did the even more unsuccessful spartakus revolt not Bavaria
second the reason Lenin’s revolt worked was that the people of Russia were (mostly) ready and German people were not ready. the reason Mao, Fidel, Ho Chi Minh, Sankara, etc worked cause the people were mad at there government or occupied by a foreign power (with some Exception)
also Mao’s china fell to Dengists and Stalin…
Stalin’s USSR was undeniably a clusterfuck which caused 4-8 million deaths (not 30 million as neocon fucks say) which then became a revisionist social authoritarian (basically social democracy with out the democracy) state
also i dont know much about early nk but north korea now is kinda like communist Romania, bad but with some good things
i was arguing the adoption of Leninism and social democracy by the left is why the left failed and lost the cold war
then again this was just a small little meme
now time to get my down votes for criticizing Leninist dogma
i did it i made rosa posting a thing
give me a bathysphere and a wire cutter imma cut the submarine communications cables
edit: or we could detonate some bombs when they hit the seafloor #c4theseafloor
edit: (we will need a lot of bathyspheres)
edit: off the coast of Vietnam in 2007, fishermen pulled up 27 miles of fiber cords, disrupting service for several months. (It wasn’t cut off completely, because the country had one more cable that kept the internet going.) so it isn’t even as hard as i thought