gleemer_ [none/use name]
i actually have a theory about this. like recently i see these prompts on twitter about approaching a girl at the grocery store, and all of the well meaning simp types say thats creepy id never do that, but in real life shit like that doesnt matter at all. and when guys ask for advice women will tell them to never approach a woman in public, because they assume they’re creeps. so they go on being shy and resentful
sorry if this was out of nowhere/insane id like to hear your thoughs
yea lmfao thats p much it, id use “reddit” but thatd feel kinda weird considering where we are rn. idk how to say it but the redpill types are the last people who need to learn about any of that shit while people on here (or wherever) could afford to sorta sack up now and then. idk if that makes sense- not to say i agree w redpill stuff in general
edit: the word wormy came to mind but idk if thats too harsh
yeah lol agreed. its weird to view that stuff through a rightwing/leftwing lense and this might sound a little harsh but its always sort of funny when guys talk about their own loneliness and then say “not to sound like a redpill/incel type” when honestly they could probably learn a thing or two from the weird red pill types in terms of getting their shit together/ taking the lead when it comes to dating
lmao i didnt know that part about downvoting posts thats funny. what was the politically incorrect way now i wanna hear it
I mean im not tryna be antagonistic but i sorta disagree with most of it, especially the fetlife thing. One, that woman is hard to find if she even exists and two shes probably swarmed with dudes. and three, lets face it, shes probably not that much of a catch herself.
And the advice your sister gave to you is great but for the most part getting dating advice from straight women isnt gonna help much, aside from telling you the already obvious. wouldnt ask a fish how to teach you to catch a fish and all that (for lack of a better expression)