grisbajskulor [he/him]
Anti-car-infrastructure-action :train-shining: :live-tucker-reaction:
Yeah valid.
Not to start a struggle session but I don’t even know why I should worry about China, whether pro or anti. Wtf am I gonna do about that anyway? Being opinionated one way or the other would take an amount of amount of studious discipline that I’m not even close to possessing. If someone has any kind of take on China my response will just be “damn that’s crazy.”
There’s a growing labor movement in my own town. So how about I focus on this extremely-not-complex conflict that I actually have some power over?
IMT is pretty cool in my experience. I’ve seen IMT people at picketlines with 0 literature and 0 IMT branding, just there to contribute good vibes. They even defended the picketline from the annoying pamphlet-pushing trots. Said something like “This is not the time for propaganda, this is the time to support workers!”
Farted immediately after opening the image
Yeah my family truly made me feel like a psycho. I’m weak willed and it wore me down eventually.
Your comment seems sincere & understanding but it starts with “I’m blaming you” which I think might be a typo but if not, I totally don’t blame you for blaming me, I deserve it 😭