indorri [he/him]
Hi, my name is indorri and I’m a victim of the libertarian to Maoist pipeline.
Never visited Cuba, would like to go someday.
As for here, it has its ups and downs. I’m actually pretty well off here, but I know that people do struggle especially since we locked down for covid. Tourism industry shat itself inside out. Our current political bugbear is civil partnerships, since we’re always years behind the US on culture war cruft. I expect some kind of leftism to emerge here by 2035.
Joke’s on you: I have zero historical knowledge of what Deng did and the only thing I know about Mao are landlord and sparrow memes and what I forgot from my Western Civ class. I just stan China.
Gateway drug. “Scratch a liberal” and all that, and I absolutely believe that, but I will always have a soft spot for liberals despite that because of that very reason. Personal experience . I can only just hope that it will lead others down the same path I went.
Look up “DOM”. The ability to dynamically alter a page’s content via javascript.
Rant incoming: The ability to have fully programmable web pages has been both an absolute blessing and curse. I love that the internet exposed the capabilities of a universal programmable platform to allow anyone with a web browser to access any app you can think of, but I hate that it happened on the back of javascript and html, the absolute worst virtual machine possible.
I do programming work. Fuck this guy so hard.
Hah, I don’t know why, but I always make this typo as well.