Thanks so much for this post! ❤️
I actually did get good at it and even experienced the same via masking. Unfortunately, masking and perfectionism are not sustainable over a whole career and what sucks is that the teaching field tries to (in my experience) keep people within the education discipline via guilt and a lack of training outside of the classroom.
Anyway, I don’t totally regret my career but it’s time to move on. Thanks for the good wishes and response, friend.
Thanks for all the work you do!
Games my kids and I enjoy on Steam:
(Not Xbox sorry)
- Alba (such a cute story)
- FPS Chess
- Dinkum
- Webbd
- Tinykin
- Spiritfarer
- Wobbly Life
- LEGO adaptations of series
- Among Us (canned chat only)
- Meditation is a good idea for anybody and takes many forms.
- Your post comes off with a “why don’t you just…” vibe to me. I don’t like the tone honestly. You don’t think a community of people with ADHD have heard of meditation? Do you go into depression related communities and ask if they’ve just tried being happier?
I get the idea of trying to help but it isn’t very productive IMHO.
Her dur I thought the liberals said global warming /s
Something I should mention: I do like IPAs (not only IPA but they are tasty) and can find all 3 of the style of shirt in this weird AI looking stock image in my closet.