He gleefully approved a €100B handout to the Bundeswehr MIC in 2022, which somehow magically didn’t count against the budget or deficit.
This whole thing has a funny taste, especially in a country which almost always just sucks up a nonsensical and ineffective coalition for the full five year maximum term in the name of stability in government.
It’s hilarious how most parliamentary democracies can and do pull off snap elections regularly within their 5-8 week deadlines, but proudly well organized Germany can’t manage it with a two plus month warning leading up to the start of their nearly nine week campaign.
As we know, capital co-opts everything, especially criticisms of capital.
Homeopathy went out of favour once germ theory was established. From what I gather it was more or less dormant for a hundred years, then came back with the 1960s/70s counterculture movement and scepticism of modern pharmaceuticals. From then on it was turned into a huge (grift) industry of its own.
Germans also love anthroposophic remedies, which originated from a guy who would have been a Nazi had he only lived a bit longer.
other imperialist powers like China.
Whoa there, are Red ultras?
Otherwise, it hits most of the key points people are frustrated about. One big one to add is the underfunding of healthcare.
There’s a really good essay on Red Sails which discusses this in some detail.
The tldr as well as a short answer to your question is that the propaganda may be seen through, or at least suspected as exaggerated in some way, but it doesn’t matter because it matches up with a person’s real and perceived material interests.
Interesting that the far-right opposition was absolutely incensed by the Liberal’s 2022 internet “misinformation” censorship proposal, but now that it’s TikTok in the crosshairs there isn’t a peep of criticism.
As (in)famous German internet comedian El Hotzo said, “how I make fun of how so many dumb Americans vote for Trump in a 25% AfD country.”