What would be the point of the sanctions then? If the Linux Foundation were against it they could move the infrastructure to an other jurisdiction which does not sanctize countries, that would carry a strong message. But if they refuse to do that, what’s wrong with others’ forking it and doing it? That’s the point of opensource.
Just a bit of complaint: if you need to highlight how important it is to make a backup or set up automatic backups, tell the users how to do that or at least lead them to a page which explains how.
When I install a new software, sure I don’t start auditing the souce code but the developement of a software is a process and I trust that all the contributors and distributors have eyes on it and know what changes a release contains. It’s very hard to sneak in shenanigans into popular repositories. And an opensource software can quickly lose the trust of the community and get replaced if it makes bad turns. In non-free softwares I don’t have this assurance.