Welcome of course, but too fucking late. We’re already at 1.5°, a few bike lanes isn’t going to cut it.
“if this is true”, she wrote, fully aware that she was making it up.
That’s not even like, a generic union jack mask you’d get at a party shop. That’s some sort of custom leather puppyboy gimp mask.
Evil Uno is right! 🖐️
My wife reported a hate crime the other day and the police initially wouldn’t even record it because she wasn’t the victim. She had to make the case very strongly that actually they have to record every report.
(It was a taxi driver leaning out his window and screaming slurs at two black women crossing the road)
The pcs (civil servant) union agreed a 10% pay demand this year. Sir Keith might get lucky with something like a 5% deal this year on good faith alone, but next year will be brutal if he thinks he can keep that up.
An independent review is about to find out the the NHS should be privatised…
progress has been made in some areas, such as cataract surgery
That’s because cataract surgery is quick and easy and has few complications. The private sector hoovers them all up, and consequently their stats look amazing relative to the difficult stuff the NHS is left with.
Gosh, I wonder why Starmer was able to campaign more effectively than Corbyn…
Believing that their favoured MPs were about to lose their jobs, HQ staff launched an unprecedented covert operation to divert funds from pro-Corbyn candidates in winnable Tory seats to defending the seats of anti-Corbyn MPs. A code used to record spending on “generic campaign materials” was used to spend extra money on “key seats” decided by a group in Ergon House – an overspill office for HQ staff. The report finds that these seats were chosen on a factional basis: anti-Corbyn MPs were helped out.
I actually love this. Just replace the carpet