Back then you would get 5 popcorn per bucket at the movies.
Thanks to capitalism however we can re buy the seed every season and insure Monsantos earnings please the shareholders
Thanks to assholes
Because we will never be free of assholes, regardless of the system.
But surely you can see how a system that rewards asshole behavior is part of the problem here? Maybe we’d have fewer assholes if the system didn’t reinforce the behavior and train new assholes every day. Maybe over time, over multiple generations, we could eliminate assholes almost completely
the problem isn’t that GMOs exist it’s that all GMOs that exist are either sprayed with 10x pesticide or are GM’d to make their own super potent pesticide
Golden rice does neither of these two things. Not that the facts matter when it comes to our irrational fear of gmos.
It’s widespread adoption, almost certainly resulting in the unnecessary suffering of millions of people, has been hampered by anti-scienitific fanatics. So let’s not confuse that with there being something wrong with golden rice or it not existing.
But if that isn’t enough, we have fast growing salmon, non browning apples, and pink pineapple which are all gmos on the market that don’t have to do with pesticides or pest resistance. If we include ones that are simply resistant to viruses, then the list grows substantially more.
Which person decided to domesticate that thing. Just like “hey I found this weird looking grass fruit wanna enslave it” and chief’s like “hell yeah of course I wanna enslave it!” and then they just ate increasingly beady grass for a few thousand years