I write English / Escribo en Español.
Vidya / videojuegos. Internet. Cats / Gatos. Pizza. Nap / Siesta.
This user’s posts under CC-BY-NC-SA license. Ask me if you need a different permission.
curl www.sdf
/~lambalicious/helloworld_totally_safe_script.php | sudo bash
s’up everyone.
I’m lambalicious admittedly I’m a lurker both here and on the SSH side of things and only mostly visit the bboard when I remember that I like to use SSH for stuff that is not daily job. I work with computers, but they are alas not as cool as the computers from the movies I like to watch. I’m from Chile, so my English is ESL but el glorioso Español es very good. I like cats, too. I hear the internet loves cats.
When I have time for myself I develop plugins for DokuWiki and also sometimes code stuff for working with some SQLite databases. Sometimes maintain a legacy C++ library thingy. Oh and I play Nintendo games obtained via totally legit providers.
and due to the nature of the beast, it will catch more false positives but to an acceptable degree
- What is this “acceptable degree”? Where is it documented?
- What is the recourse for the uploader in case of a false positive? And no I don’t mean “upload something else”, I mean what do you answer to “my legit content is being classified by a shared internet tool as CSAM, of all things”.
After I used waterfox for a bit I started thinking more and more about Mozilla the company. What are they even doing these days? It seems like they have stopped with the innovation. They could of setup a competitor to google with a custom nextcloud but they haven’t made any competitive products other than a VPN.
Honestly, much of the problem is us, not them. At some point they did Firefox Send, but people misused it for sending malware and stuff, resulting in Mozilla having to shelve the project for legal reasons, for example. (Now, if it was me, I’d just have said “just base Send’s operations on Sealand or someplace without DMCA”, but that’s a call they did not make). They now created a VPN but the problem is, AFAIK, it’s not their own product it’s just Mullvad with extra steps, so people just use that instead. And when they do stuff for web freedom / digital sovereignty awareness, such as campaigns against DRM or a study on the car IoT market, people (aka: we) complain that they are “doing useless stuff”. Just about the newest good thing they’ve done is Relay, and I’m pretty sure there’s hefty complaining about that.
And then there’s the idiots who moan than “peOpLe wHO wANt prIVacY uSE BraVE”, so there’s that too.
With our attitude like that, there’s no way for them to win.
As much as Germany denies it, it has been proven in the last 10 or so years that they really loved their nazi days. France seems to also love having been under nazi occupation too, and they seem to have a similar anti-environmentalist attitude.
Not exactly a blog, but I’m using Dokuwiki to maintain everything wiki and blog-like, be it in SDF or elsewhere. Doesn’t need a database, you can upload your content via whatever (SSH, RPC, git push, etc) and has various templates geared towards personal sites or information sites.
Anime soundtracks site
Not using the line “Awaken my archivists!”
, many times people get the wrong message, but with an emoji you’ll get an idea of the face I’m making, so less chance of misunderstanding
[citation needed]
Several emojis are quite ambiguous in meaning or interpretation, including because of intercultural factors (eg.: U+1F626 FROWNING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH
, or any of the praying / reverence / salute emojis). You, or rather your readers, also have no guarantees that the emoji they are seeing unambiguolsy matches the one you wanted to send and has not been misrepresented in transit or because of the provider (eg.: U+1F52B GUN
which was rebranded into WATER PISTOL
at different points by different providers).
In comparison, a classic Unicode / ANSI / JIS smiley is basically unambiguous and has two to four extra decades of context.
A simple text, even an acronym, is even better, for example rather than trying to express extreme displeasure at someplace else’s lack of good gun control laws with a “prohibition sign” and “gun water pistol”, you can use the even simpler text message of “your gun laws are bad”.