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I am Lattrommi. Yes, that one. You’ve never heard of me? I’m not surprised. It is often said that anything you put on the internet will live there forever. It becomes immortal. I do everything backwards and wrong. I do not live forever, I am always dying. ¿|√∞²|?

Direct message

The 2019 Memorial Day tornado outbreak. Less than a week away from the 5 year anniversary of it.

My apartment is located roughly 500 feet (152 meters) from the end point of an EF4 tornado that hit and about 1500 feet (~450 meters) of the start point of an EF3 tornado that hit. One ended and the other began within minutes of each other.

I recall I looked out of my front door and could only see the sideways winds. I had just woken up after sleeping all day because I was tired, having stayed up late the night before, burying my cat which had eaten mouse poison, which I was unaware of the symptoms for until it was too late. I had to bury my cat a second time then next day and broke my hand in frustration while doing it.

My power was out for 10 days and I had no water for 6 days. I didn’t own a car and public transportation had halted in my area from trees blocking the roads. I walked 4.5 miles to a nearby Urgent Care for my hand but they had closed due to damage. From there I walked 9 miles to the nearest hospital. They had too many people. I gave up waiting to be seen after 8 hours and went home, then wrapped my hand with bandages myself, around an old brace I had from a previous unrelated broken wrist.

When my power came back, I learned that a power surge had fried the power supply of my computer. I eventually managed to check my email at the community college, which is when I learned my health insurance coverage through Medicaid had ended, thanks to an order from the president at the time.

My absentee landlord never checked on the building. Less than a month later, the in-wall A/C unit fell out of the wall, leaving a hole large enough for me, a 6’3" 250 lb man, to easily crawl through. It was there for 6 months before it was repaired by the landlords maintenance person, who bought a cheap window unit A/C and stuck it in the hole then filled in around it with expanding foam.

The hole was ‘fixed’ around the same time I was able to buy a replacement power supply for my computer. My data storage drive had also stopped working and I learned an important lesson regarding backups. That was right around Christmas time.

Unrelated to the tornados, that’s about when I started passing kidney stones. I tried to go to the hospital for them but without insurance, they turned me away. It wasn’t considered an emergency. I missed several days of work while I passed them at home. Work said because of the amount of time I missed, I needed a doctors note to return to work. Work would schedule me 6 hour shifts, 6 days a week, which comes to 36 hours. Employees needed 40 hours a week to be considered full time and to qualify for the company insurance. Without insurance, I couldn’t find a doctor who would see me. I was terminated and the reason they listed was that I abandoned my job.

My official last day with the company was 31 December 2019. I was ready to start a new year. 2019 had not been kind to me. I remember thinking to myself on New Years Day “At least 2020 can’t possibly be worse, right?”


I’m sitting in the dark

Do you spend a lot of time in the dark? How much natural sunlight do you get?

I ask because I have felt like what you describe. Vitamin D deficiency might be a contributing factor. Supplements might help but the best thing is to spend time outside for 3 hours per week minimum, preferably in a natural setting away from gas powered vehicles.

doing nothing right now.

Start doing something. Anything. Move your body. It can be as simple as walking for 30 minutes a day. You can get your sunlight while you do it. It’s fine if it is cloudy, it is not as good if you are indoors, even if there are windows. Exercise will get your blood moving. The hormones which regulate your mood might be malfunction or waste could be getting built up in your brain and causing depression. Get your heartrate up, let the blood carry waste out.

My college degree(computer engineering) got me nowhere.

Does your degree have legs? Is it supposed to carry you around? No, of course not. I think. I don’t actually have a degree. If I had one, I would be taking it to places. Especially places that have a use for it. Are there no jobs where a computer engineering degree is needed near you? These days even small businesses need an IT person. If there are none, start your own. I do not know what starting a business entails in Cambodia but it may be simpler than you realize. Start a computer repair shop. Offer to recover data for regular people, like photos from old hard drives and flash drives or sd cards with testdisk. Do it cheap, give discounts and start with a warning that you might not be able to recover anything or fix their computer and that you are a last resort, when no where else can help or they can’t afford a professional place, so you don’t have to worry about failing. Make a name for yourself.

Besides that, my country is a toilet now and rapidly becoming worse

It’s not too late for a career change. If your country is in the toilet, become a plumber. If it is rapidly becoming worse, find a way to slow it down, work to turn it around in any way you can think of. Become a politician and overthrow the goverment or die trying. At least you might die a hero instead of ending it yourself and being quickly forgotten.

I’ve looked on Indeed

Indeed is trash. Find anything else. Even Fiverr.com or Legiit.com are probably better.

Last advice: Pick a goal. Even something stupid. Work towards it. Do not expect to acheive the goal. It is only the carrot on a stick to lure you to anywhere that is not the place you are now. You might be led to where you are supposed to be along the way.


i had switched after losing a D&D campaign in onenote, then not long after switched from windows to linux (Zim being compatible with both helped with that a lot too). I have a memory problem (in my carbon, not my silicon) and I use Zim for to do lists, a journal, note taking of course and several other things. i had some issues a few times but overall it’s what just works for me. i use it for worldbuilding D&D campaigns and i’ve started building/recording my actual real life world with it too. love it!


I don’t really think I’m important enough for doxxing to matter. I’ve even posted my social security number in a chat room before, just for a laugh. Also my banking and paypal logins.

One time after I did that, I met a nice person who privately messaged me. They were just like me, same mothers maiden name, same name for our first pet, even went to the same first concert! what are the odds?

Anyways so like a week later some hacker stole my identity. I couldn’t believe it. The crazy part though is that my credit score actually went UP. About a month later the hacker actually called me and tried to make me take my identity back but I knew better than that. No backsies. Heh, sucker. Have fun with your new wife, moron.

Honestly, I was happy to have someone to talk to for a bit. It was nice.


I simply use my credit card number for my password on every site. it makes it so much easier to remember both. back in the day i would use my social security number. thanks to that simple trick, i never get robocalls or spam and i’ve been removed from most mailing lists because no one will ever issue credit or do business of any kind with me. a hacker stole my identity once and my credit score quadrupled. he even gave my identity back a week later!


There isn’t anything you need to know. It’s the opposite actually. You can now forget about graphics drivers entirely if you want. Unless it’s like, a job or hobby or something.


Because I am terrible at writing, most of this was painstakingly generated using LLaMA 3.1 70B & 405B. Believe it or not, this was actually a lot of work.

The LLM ruins your presentation in my opinion. I do not mean that you disclosed the use of a LLM, I personally appreciate that honesty quite a lot. The short version is that there is too much elaboration.

That’s the first thing the LLM provided for you: It elaborates too much and gives a massive wall of text. One that you spent a long time painstakingly editing. If you had started from scratch and formulated it yourself, you most likely could have come up with a far more readable essay for the average stranger on the internet (I’m assuming that was your intended audience. I’m frequently wrong about things.) Look for the redundancies. LLM’s seem to love saying the same thing in different ways. Just an observation I’ve made which I have no backing for. Many of these points could easily be combined in my opinion.

The second thing using AI did to your detriment, is that the sections are not human-like. They are formulaic, each one having several clauses or thoughts strung together with commas. Sure, each sentence might be grammatically correct but I bet I could read this to my nephews as a way to quickly get them to fall asleep. Not only does every sentence have multiple thoughts and concepts, there are few intermediary sentences to break up the monotony.

The third and final thing I will point out is that page breaks and spacing things out are absolutely critical to keeping people engaged. Twitter became popular because of the character limit. If your point takes longer than 7 seconds for someone to read in their head, you’ve lost half your audience. Tell the AI to be more succint if you continue using one.

I think you might do better if you took out all of the text that isn’t bolded/strong or a header. Link to the full manuscript somewhere else at the end for those who are interested. Those 2-4 words starting the numbered points are all most people will need. If they do need further clarification or specifics, visit that’s when they can visit a link at the end.

Just my two cents.


Crime means breaking the law, correct?

No location is named, so I will assume this refers the laws of physics and reality.

I would:

  • expand time so that it lasts a near infinite duration, contained entirely within this day of no crime
  • transmute a bunch of the rocks in my apartment into gold
  • alter my DNA to include working wings like a bat, a prehensile tail like a monkey, gills like a salamander, enviromental adaptability like a chameleon that’s selective so I can hide these enhancements from others
  • one more enhancement related to a very specific part of the anatomy of a horse or blue whale, or whatever it is people want these days
  • remove all genetic defects of my body, like susceptability to cancer and addictions, grant it full immunity to diseases, put it into a perfect equilibrium with near instantaneous regeneration and longevity and thus allowing my life to last as long as I desire
  • create a star from nothing and collapse it in a way that stores all of its energy into a pocket sized battery with perfect functionality and adaptability that is nearly indestructable
  • hold hands with two chicks at the same time

It’s fun to dream of the impossible.


All the naysayers in these comments read like shills and if they aren’t, they really should read how the tracking in question works. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/privacy-preserving-attribution?as=u&utm_source=inproduct

While it was kinda lame for Mozilla to add it with it already opted-in the way they did, they were still completely open about how it works from the start with a link right next to the feature in settings (the same link pasted above) and it’s far less invasive than the other mainstream browsers.

It can be turned off too, easily. It requires unchecking a checkbox. No jumping through 10 different menus trying to figure out how to turn it off, like a certain other browser does with its monstrous tracking and data collection machine.

With ublock origin it’s also moot, since ublock origin blocks all the ads anyways.

Call me a fanboy if you want, I wont care. Firefox is still the superior browser in my opinion.
