Not really a show, but Im familiar with the old CBC (canada) sign-off. Wasn’t really my bed time either, I have insomnia disorder, I would just read books after the tv went off-air for the night. I’m also familiar with the CBC sign-on, and the first program on in the morning was 100 Huntley Street, followed by the PTL Club, before Jim and Tammy Faye went to jail.
Joe Hill is actually a ballad composed in 1936 by Alfred Hayes and Earl Robinson.
My parents were busy trying to control my fucked up sisters children, with my dad dumping as much responsibilty for child rearing as possible on my mom, and my mom passively aggressively resenting it. Same way me and my sister were raised. My family’s a mess.
Methfall, starring Methhead Harry, swinging through the jungle, doing the gator hop.
First the advertising platforms started getting called social, now swearing at each other is social. Shit is shit.