not much
Years ago a friend mistakenly typed in killall5 as root on a remote server. Didn’t break things but resulted in extra work and effort.
Both Snap and Flatpak provide an easy install for the really old, pre 1997, NCSA Mosaic browser. The Snap page gives a hint about how this was done :
Built from source code hosted at: https://github.com/alandipert/ncsa-mosaic Thanks to John Lenton for the snapcraft config.
This suggests that if you can build the ROS 1 from source, you have Flatpak and Snap as option, and maybe also AppImage.
Besides that there is also Linux KVM (QEMU) which may perform better than VirtualBox. Cannot find a good page for Ubuntu on it, but here’s the KVM entry of the excellent Arch Linux wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/KVM
If you like NixOS for its packages, you can install a Systemd free OS, and then add Nix package manager. For example Nix-bin is packaged for Debian and the Systemd free Devuan : https://pkginfo.devuan.org/cgi-bin/policy-query.html?c=package&q=nix-bin&x=submit Here is a very old howto for Void Linux, but maybe still works : https://voidlinux.org/news/2014/01/Using-the-Nix-package-manager.html
Welcome to the Penguin party ! 🐧 And thanks for sharing your story.