not much
The mentioned server side changes (e.g. A server move you mentioned but could also be server settings, provider settings, etc).
I guess that is the case. According to https://searx.space/ the searx.be server is in Austria but might use some proxy to talk to Google and similar to avoid quick blocking. The maintainer of searx.be also maintains yewtu.be and that one uses proxies (The proxy names can be seen when blocking auto play of videos in Tor browser).
Also getting results in Russian here since a few days. Usually it is either Swedish or Dutch. Never German.
Yes, gdebi :
:( Website of NGI :
And they appear to have a fresh Mastodon account hosted by the EU :
This looks like old news to me. Years ago I’ve read that three letter agencies can access phones without getting the access code or bio-metrics from the phone owner.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grayshift
- And it was in the news recently because of the Trump shooter : https://www.theverge.com/24199357/fbi-trump-rally-shooter-phone-thomas-matthew-crooks-quantico-mdtf
- https://signal.org/blog/cellebrite-vulnerabilities (2021, crazy story)
Simply install debian 12.5 again, the easiest choice.
Good choice.
Install linux mint, so I get ubuntu but without them throwing their subscription services down my throat. I’m unsure about other advantages, as ubuntu is debian based, maybe the more frequent program updates? Kernels are also updated more often than with debian as far as I know. Do you know of other advantages?
There’s LMDE, Linux Mint Debian version.
Go for FreeBSD: this might require a learning curve, because this is an OS I’ve never used. Are commands that different from debian?
Yes, commands are different (For example ifconfig
and not ip
. And watch
on Linux is something different on FreeBSD) and you can expect several things to not work out of the box. Also, mounting removable devices is different. Documentation is very good though unless your reached a niche problem. I’d suggest to first toy around with FreeBSD in a VM (Qemu or VirtualBox) if you want to sneak preview it and learn more.
I guess KDE means using SDDM. Would this help ? https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/SDDM#Login_session_appears_on_an_unexpected_display