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I believe the USA has “astroturfing squads” for this kind of work. This is one more evidence of it. Social media is likely flooded with astroturfing activity from the USA government. They also likely manipulate the social media software to help in this. For example, YouTube has a comment filter that automatically deletes comments that contain certain words; because of this filter, if you say certain things, the comment gets deleted, and you don’t know it unless you look for the comment. Most comments I make on YouTube about geopolitics get deleted. A way to get the comment delivered is to hide likely banned words or expressions by inserting a space in the middle of the word. For example, the comment “China wages developement. America wages wars.” will likely get deleted. To deliver it, you could write “Chi na wa ges developement. Ame rica wa ges wa rs.”.


Artisanal burgers are much tastier than McDonald’s. In fact, it’s not hard for a real burger to be tastier than a McDonald’s one, at least in my country (I’m not sure if McDonald’s quality is the same in all countries). Here, McDonald’s isn’t very good, and even so it’s quite expensive. Even the most affordable option on the menu is pricey, and it barely has anything inside. Not to mention that these fast food burgers are tiny.

Hambúrgueres artesanais são muito mais gostosos que McDonald’s. Na verdade não é difícil um hambúrguer de verdade ser mais gostoso que um McDonald’s, pelo menos no meu país (não tenho certeza se a qualidade do McDonald’s é a mesma em todos os países). Aqui McDonald’s não é muito bom e ainda é bem caro; a opção mais acessível do menu já é cara, e não têm quase nada dentro. Sem falar que esses hambúrgueres de fast food são bem pequenos.


Note that this is about the association between height and income. It is possible that a confuser variable or set of variables is/are influencing both income and height, thus producing the observed correlation between income and height. In this case, the association would not imply causation. But even if this is just association and not causation, its a significant fact, because then there is some unkown set of factors making taller individuals having higher probabilities of earn more.


Some Bolsonarists in Brazil believe in funny things about Brazilian universities, like students having sex everywhere, people smooking so much weed that there is green smoke in the air (no kidding, a famous Bolsonarist really said there is green smoke in Brazilian universities), students forcing others to use drugs etc. I believe the hidden sources of the Bolsonarist propaganda tried or are trying to reduce the credibility of universities in Brazil, probably because they see the universities as a threat to the far-right and liberal ideologies (they believe Brazilian universities are full of communists (it’s true that there is some amount of communists in the public universities in Brazil, but they are mostly concentrated in a few courses, while there is almost none of them in most courses primarily unrelated to politics)).


China is already first in GDP PPP, which is arguably better than nominal GDP as a measure of living standards and economy size.


That’s in part because of all the anti-China propaganda on big media and youtube. In youtube, anti-China content, specially content from big media (BBC, sky news and the likes) and CIA-backed content, is recommended to much more users than pro-China content. Just look at the number of views of anti-China videos vs neutral or pro-China channels. Anti-China videos easily get millons of views, while the best of the best pro-China videos only reach tens or hundreads of thousands of views (one or another may reach millions by using a super catch thumbnail and title). The pro-China videos are mostly recommended to people that already watches pro-China videos, while anti-China videos get recommended for everyone on youtube. The result is that a huge amount of youtube users believe anti-China crap.



It’s so toxic how they always talk about efforts to keep America the best this or the best that. They talk as if for them the priority is to do everything (even moraly wrong things) to make America be the best at everything, being human progress only a byproduct of this competition. They also talk as if America be the best at everything is necessary for the world to be “right”; as if this is something inherently good.
