
lil_pee_pee [they/them]

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One of the potential future episodes, I think it’s the one where Lisa gets married but I don’t care enough to remember


They’re gonna do give Benimaru the straight shot from that one awful ep of the simpsons


Fantastic post, good explanation

The destruction of the capitalist productive forces in Europe along with the huge state driven investment in the US is what made the difference. Going back to Hudson obviously the US wants the EU to suffer in order to turn the clock back to 1950 again.

The only way for capitalism to survive the next 50 years is going to be through a major crisis that bankrupts a large part of the unprofitable corporations(see zombie companies) while simultaneously forcing the first world population to accept a third world lifestyle. The obvious problem with this is that a lot of rich people are going to be temporarily inconvenienced.

I’m really curious is this will happen. Obviously you’re right, the deadwood needs to be cleared, but you have to wonder how many companies will stay just because they serve our imperial ends or even just out of corruption. Like by all accounts, cruise lines should have died forever in 2020, but they were bailed out with covidbux. Netflix/Tesla have inflated and unrealistic evaluations, and BIS estimates that roughly 20 percent of corps in the US are zombie firms. The US, as it currently exists, seems to stick around just to prop these businesses up and suppress the working class globally. If you can’t go to Dave and Busters and buy snuggies, why would you be a fucking American?


More like seasons unless they’re willing to go down with the ship. Burgerland is already trying Volcker Shock pt. 2, there’s gonna be a point where the EU countries will have to get with the program in regards to China/Russia, even if its just from pressure from domestic porky


Well, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan were successful in the sense that they made war profiteers a ton of cash, and in the subconscious “this country is just the arbiter of capital” sense, a lot of capital was destroyed. Cuba, Iran, NK, Palestine and Venezuela are still under siege because they angered the United States for various reasons and until recently had nowhere else to go and nobody to help them.

Most of this is predicated on us being the consumer of last resort. If one of these countries we destroyed had nukes and didn’t give them up/we couldn’t level them, we could crush them in other ways because everyone needs to sell us shit and up until this point, if we restricted trade, it meant something. What the fuck is the US going to do to Iran if suddenly they’re allowed to get food, medicine, consumer goods and all the shit we said they’re not allowed to have?

And also, what’s the good outcome? What’s the ideal situation that these threats bring about? India backs down, completely capitulates and in return gets jack shit from burgerland for doing so OR as another poster in this thread pointed out, whatever sanctions we slap them with they just ignore anyways.

Anyways, good times ahead and I mean that sincerely. The dollar has done more to strangle the left globally than every fascist that will probably ever exist, and we’re seeing the quick death of it.


So, it’s obviously way too early to call this, but let’s humor Michael Hudson/Roberts and say that this is the beginning of the end of the US being able to use the dollar as a tool of imperial might.

Why the fuck would you do this right now. Like there is a specific ideological explanation to burgerland’s fuckups, why would they burn this bridge right now? What does this get you? If they call your bluff and nothing really happens or they successfully transition their economy away from the US, you’ll just be creating the world’s biggest market you cannot effectively participate in. Even if the sanctions do hurt for awhile, that’s a 3rd of the planet at least that you can’t use the most effective imperial tool we have.



Fukuyama says that “We could be facing the end of “the end of history””

These reboots are getting so lame
