I don’t know why I thought this comment section would be anything resembling a useful discussion about Vietnam. Great post, OP. Sorry the comments are full of fucking idiots. I was born in 1980 so I did not live through the time of the Vietnam war, but I know my American education about it was completely inadequate. I wish my fellow Americans could rise up again like the protests against the awful war in Vietnam did. I feel like we’re too lazy now. Too complacent.
Eh I can’t give up cheese
But killing cows does suck, they’re cool. Like big cowy dogs.
I’m drunk, I apologize.
But also life is just random coincidence and we’re probably the only place it exists and it seems like everything is out to get everything else already. Fuckers can’t eat me, I’ll eat them. I’m coming for you, flesh eating bacteria. I have teeth. They’re real creepy. Like bones in my face made to chew things. FACE BONES.
Is this shitposting? It’s accurate, but I dunno if it’s dank.