Well, I was drunk when I posted the above. No filter. It’s ironic, I was generalizing up there pretty badly, and your response is to generalize back about something completely unrelated.
I know a lot of bronies, and most of them are plenty mature, not childish. I wonder if the same can be said of Hexbear users.
Those with no self awareness should really think before posting… Though I suppose that is not your strong suit.
You know, that is actually an excellent question. So here’s the thing, overall I think she is pretty great. She has entertained me through the years with plenty of content, and she honestly seems pretty cool. The problem is this video, in particular. Now, you might say “oh, you’re just mad because she’s saying stuff you don’t like” and sure, maybe. I’m barely into the show anymore, but I do interact with a segment of the fandom still. Some of my best friends. Anyway, this video really came out of left field. It was so wild to see it. I disagree with a lot of what she says here. She’s entitled to her opinion, but I feel like she’s had a bit of a warped view of the fandom, from above it as a bit of a fandom celebrity. The video is her views, and it’s pretty badly biased on a lot of stuff.
I just wonder why she felt the need to burn the bridge, so to speak. The fandom that adored her, and still adores her work. Friendship is Witchcraft is brilliant, really. Just such a weird direction to go.
I did notice that, and those users are being reasonable at least. I appreciate the defense, though I don’t think that particular user is going to change his opinion very much.
I think the lesson here is to not paint with broad strokes. However, I will be sure to link you what I see, as I am pretty sure I will see more. I’ll bookmark this.
On the subject of defederation: My statement was rather harsh. I will say again that I was drunk. I am also basically a nobody and as I put on many of my online profiles, my opinions should probably not be emulated. I will say this, though, that I have noticed oftentimes when I see obvious trolling, it is often Hexbear and Lemmygrad users. Does this mean all Hexbears are trolls? No. However, it does mean that perhaps the troll subset is larger and/or louder there, and it may also indicate that that subset of users has settled upon using Hexbear as their home for one reason or another.