loaExMachina [any]
I’m new here, why are so few of the comments about Cyrus II ? I think that’s pretty interesting, the expansion of the Achamenid empire was impressive ! The Neo-Babylonian empire wasn’t the only power in the region that they conquered, they also had to go against the Assyrian empire, which was itself pretty strong ! Tho perhaps them and the Babylonians had weakened each-other with their constant fighting. But that’s not all, the Achamenid empire then went on to conquer Egypt ! (Tho, this was the late period, Egypt kept getting invaded all the time)
True, but I think there were also some important changes, and that while some of the Babylonian ruling class kept power in Babylon, they didn’t keep as much of it their previously conquered territories. For example, Cyrus II is praised a lot in the Old Testament, because his reign was kinder than theirs towards the Jews : he let some Jewish leaders who had been exiled return to Judea and let them have more autonomy than they did under the Babylonians. It’s true that Achamenid leadership always rested on more local ruler, but that doesn’t mean they let the structure unchanged, they could for example give more powers to people more prone to supporting them, or repress those who wanted to revolt…
Still, I agree with your ways of seeing things much more as what we sometimes see in vulgarization media; like, clearly a civilization didn’t disappear when it was absorbed into a bigger empire !
Oh, that’s when the events of the Potenkin Battleship take place, right? Great movie, Sergei Eisenstein was a genius. scene with the monumental staircase of Odessa still holds up !
Also, Goblin come from the french Gobelin.
Anyone knows any good leftist instance of Pleroma, mastodon or another microblogging fediverse client ? Preferably a bit more on the marxist side (rather than anarchist), but not too tankie. If no such instance, what’s a good generalist instance that has a decent amount of left-wing discource going on ?