
Not writing unit tests just isn’t an option for a reliable app in the long term. But, it’ll take way more than 10 minutes, always.
Hello all! I became an SDF member a couple of years ago, at the time I believe I was disillusioned with social media, probably was also in a paranoid pandemic mindset. I am very excited about Lemmy and the traction it is getting, it’s a fun platform so far. I had tried Mastadon back when, but it just didn’t have any hooks for me, I was never a Twitter person anyways.
I had only heard about SDF from reading comments in Hacker News. But it’s really right up my alley. My first experiences on the internet was interacting through a local freenet dialup shell in the early 90’s and spending way too much time on MUDs, and downloading porn on usenet for view on my fancy VGA monitor.
Back in my day you had to work for your porn and imagine your video game graphics, and that’s the way it should be. :old man finger waggle:
So, the time has finally come. I want to mention that I’m not a huge fan of musicals, this translates to that tend to only watch them if external circumstances push me to watch one and I only enjoy if they’re really well done. Well, circumstances have pushed me, and… it was meh.
I thought the songs weren’t particularly memorable, the productions were a bit underwhelming and the dancing nearly non-existent.
Old enough to have bought a new C64 from Toys R Us
C64 Basic, Yggdrasil Linux. I wanted to install Minix, in the pre-Linux times, but it was beyond my abilities