

19 posts • 17 comments
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Your argument that overconsumption is the culprit but not population doesn’t make sense when the equation is (Population X Consumption)= Environmental impact.

There is no consumption without the population.

And virtually all the published everything about overpopulation is fully onboard that first world consumption needs to come down and 3rd world needs to go up to be fair.

Why does everyone think talking about overpopulation means you are hitler looking for lebensraum?


Did you find this entire paper anywhere? it wasn’t upon scihub yet


I figured something like this would happen. I wonder if the nuke plants that got shuttered for the same cost reasons will also get subsidies


Leishmaniasis is now happening in the USA in my location. The tropical diseases are here but we still get occasional hard frost enough to kill the tropical fruit trees and not enough chill hours to make temperate fruit work. Worst of all worlds.

EDIT forgot to mention im in texas


If the left actually took an anti immigration stance the right would start fading . If the left had a “take care of the people already here first goal”

Lots of left wing people are sane enough to recognize labor competition from immigrants and poor cultural assimilation leads to lower standard of living for them and their children. As long as this continues and things get worse you will be feeding the growth of the right wing. people will vote for survival and standard of living even though they loathe most everything else about the right


There is a very specific type of person that works in the oil industry in texas , they buy the biggest most expensive gas guzzling truck, they work too many hours, drink heavily and often do hard drugs , and they overleverage themselves to the max always , when the economy takes a shit they lose everything and end up broken and pissed off. Then the oil bust works its way through the rest of the texas economy and its like the great depression. I grew up as kid through the 80s depression in texas and it was rough shit. I dont know how people would handle it these days. Ive seen mini busts along the way when this or that oil patch taps out and the people in the area just lose everything. As a kid i remember being around gaunt adults that were slowly starving with no jobs paying above minimum wage and those even nearly impossible to get. Texas isnt known for its compassion for poor people.

I think if the world decided it necessary they could probably manage to get venezuela oil pumping again and that would give the world another stretch of plateau. wouldnt be surprised if that 2018 peak was the real deal final peak though.


yeah but there is no consumption without population. Pop*consumption= environmental impact.

Talking about population doesn’t imply ignoring consumption as the best target for mitigating the problem. But the market will do that as prices rise and kick more population out of the “consumption is viable” cohort. unfortunately the market starts with the poorest and least consuming


yeah i downloaded my reddit history. there are still reddit archives run by third parties that save everything indexed to usernames i think , you might be able to search the old stuff like that.

I will try to sort through all my reddit crap at some point and maybe post stuff thats useful as blog or publish a magazine or something. Im trying to exit the internet 95% over the next 2 years and get my anti-doomsday cult going fully in real life.

internet is such a shitshow that i realized its mostly just a negative in every way now. i dont know what its good for at this point.

At this point i would just prefer interacting with people in more direct ways. im writing off everyone not in my future tribe of back to the land revolutionaries plotting the destruction of the status quo and birth of alternatives.


Im looking mostly in oregon. the plan is set up co-op situation mixture of community and personal land bulk buy for lower price per acre. west coast is mostly overpriced though on a per unit of bioproductivity basis so still considering other spots. underground weed economy crash is bringing lots of cheap per acre properties on market though
