metallicyarn [any]
:hexcrab-party: Now to get Russia to arrest Null from wherever he’s holed up in Siberia or what not for being a :sus-lovecraft: pedo neonazi with Azov ties. Going to be tough getting the radlibs snoops to pickup the trail though.
Easy they believe all the propaganda even when its contradictory. You know who else? /r/Europeansocialists
Email is unsecure but if you’re just worried about US and related companies and agencies snooping around and don’t mind at all if say RU ones snoop on you there’s Yandex as an alternative. I think now they require phone for sign ups so its not as easy as it used to be. There’s also QQ mail but that has the same issue.
Most of them are feds or paid by that ghoul LaRouche who receives the funding from NGOs. The rest are just bigoted illiterates. Most of your Youtube patsocs get funding from LaRoche and are suspect as fuck.
Gonna decloak 1 right now on reddit that Frogsknecht guy hasn’t been banned though he simps for Patriot front and says other shit that gets average posters banned all over yet his account is still there. Things that make you go hmmmm.