metallicyarn [any]
The Saker ( has some pretty good geopolitic analysis cw since the guy is pretty blunt and some of his guests are too. I’d recommend a look rather than follow the US media script 100% yea goes without saying don’t do the other way neither but come on. Anti imperialists should know better than some of what I’m seeing, don’t be led so easy.
Amusing they picked Feb 20th, Imma be that guy, its the start of the US’ Pluto return, so I’m assuming absolutely nothing happens since that’s not what the US wants and it reveals the US for what it is to the world, or things spiral horribly out of control.
When bird flu finally reaches the US and makes it inside of a human the US is is done.
Don’t forget the frosting for that cake or you’ll go crazy.
I know I’m over a week later but you’ll enjoy my necromancy. Anything by Jasbir Puar, Jack and Judith Halberstam, Jose Munoz, Judith Butler (last but not least). These aren’t necessarily hismat diamat intentionally like Feinberg’s work, but they’re very founded academically and escape that crank Foucault.
This right here is true parental love.
Simplification time. Ok let’s look at diamat, first the dialectical part. In life things fundamentally change as time progresses, you could think of it as evolution of sorts, and like evolution it isn’t such an easy to box into category change neither with just one single point. Hegel used an unfurling leaf and the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly as examples in his work iirc.
To add materialism in how this is in the real world outside of the realm of idealism and perfection. What are the conditions simply. In the case of the caterpillar only once its reached a certain point of development with all the biological conditions met will it become a cocoon.
Historic - the past of something, path tends to be linear and roughly applied everywhere, idealist in the fact it considers history neat and no time considerations are truly considered.
Historic materialism - looking at the past critically, with what conditions were going on at that time and how that influenced development. May look at stages, categories are a lot more ‘blended’ since evolution of even our history phrases aren’t neat but do have hallmarks unique to them.
Feudalism was its own precapitalist stage of society, peasantry had some sort of small means which got phased out, this was fought tooth and nail by kings against the bourgeois and peasants alike once conditions were met. We’re not going to have feudalism just like 10th century ever again outside a time machine.
Hype word ‘neofeudalism’ simply because monopoly capital owns everything, we’re not under the same technological nor class conditions, this is just further evolution of imperialist capitalism where the masses have nothing. So neofeudalism you can almost always dismiss when looking through a Marxist lens, but not under say many of the capitalist schools.
A really good example of unintentional diamat (usually) is the sciences especially anything with a big ol formula. Scientists by nature of their career do diamat on the bench, that’s how it is when you look at something objectively with conditional consideration.