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meth_dragon [none/use name]
9 posts • 778 comments
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the forums, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide


hes the american khrushchev, all the lib fifth columnists and compradors everywhere are gonna be tearing their hair out trying to mental gymnastics their way to where america somehow isnt exactly what trump represents.


there will be no dedollarization before a physical conflict that completely exhausts the hegemon materially and politically, destroying the extant system and thus creating the need for a new one.

money can be part of the base in times of peace, but when it comes to dethroning the hegemon, it is always superstructure. this is because antihegemonism necessarily entails physical violence, conditions under which currency returns to its idealist origins while real resources and their effective application to ends destructive or otherwise becomes ascendant.

the fastest way out is the abolishment of this intolerable peace enforced by MAD through rapidly escalating nuclear brinksmanship. hard to believe that mao had it right all this time.


is it possible to have a not quite meme electoral system that selects for the guy with the least amount of downvotes?


china doesn’t have any direct trump cards other than maybe physically retaking reddit island, but a provocation large enough to incite direct confrontation (and thus one that is also large enough to directly threaten hegemonic legitimacy) is probably enough to do in the empire. the geopolitical edging we are currently experiencing is a side effect of no one wanting to be the bad guy and flip the table, but it’s not like things are getting any less tense.

Braudel suggests that the withdrawal of the Dutch from commerce around 1740 to become ‘the bankers of Europe’ was typical of a recurrent world systemic tendency. The same process was in evidence in Italy in the fifteenth century, and again around 1560, when the leading groups of the Genoese business diaspora gradually relinquished commerce to exercise for about seventy years… After the Dutch, the British replicated the tendency during and after the Great Depression of 1873-96, when ‘the fantastic venture of the industrial revolution’ created an overabundance of money capital. After the equally ‘fantastic venture’ of Fordism-Keynesianism, we may add, US capital since the 1970s has followed a similar trajectory.

reading between the lines (80 years war, anglo-dutch wars, ww1&2), it’s pretty clear we’re being herded by historical forces towards some conflict of eschatological proportion in the near future. it’s not even in real doubt whether or not the us will lose the conflict, the real question seems to be one of how many of us will be left alive after the us system has been turned to ashes.

on a lighter note, i actually think the current plan of ‘making israel die very very slowly’ is actually pretty good. if there is a direct intervention, the us is toast. if they don’t intervene, you get all kinds of domestic unrest in the ruling class to add to the working class dissatisfaction. basically a lose-lose proposition that is faster than supply chain restructuring and is only solved if the euros decide to fall on their swords and actually do something about russia, and even then is only a temp fix.


electoralism needs downvotes

downvotes will fix amerikkka


im at the point where i feel like we should be looking for characteristic equations of ‘human nature’ or capital itself (assumption being that it is higher order and highly coupled to extant systems). developing appropriate constraints for a given historical or future context seems to be the biggest issue though, will take an immense amount of work to go through and quantify initial and boundary conditions for a particular scenario and then youd probably have to solve some fucking weird diamat super/substructural closure problem to account for historical turbulence as well…


til american procurement really is ass and a single iranian salvo will take out an entire years worth of sm6s lol

edit: this might actually be the wrong link but the point is that theyve been making just 125 of their workhorse antiair missiles per year since 2023…


my guy on douyin has been predicting dprk’s entry into the european theater for over a year now and he is doubling down on the end of the russo-ukrainian proxy war and escalation of russia-nato actual war with belarus as focal point

though he has hedged that trump will try (and fail) to make middle east the primary conflict zone if he gets elected


bruh they got kathleen tyson on the show just to mercilessly body her over and over radhika plz stahp we want repeat guests not heads on pikes
