Yes. It is either torture or it’s not.
Hey numbnuts. I know my sister isn’t, for instance, allergic to whatever chemical is in the spray. Does Mark Rober? May I approach you randomly in public and spray this stuff in your face? Just a harmless prank, right?
What he’s doing is literally illegal, by the way. Booby trapping is illegal. People don’t care because it’s being done to a group of poor people who is demonized by libs like you.
I have genuinely no clue what you are trying to say here.
You are willing to ignore what you consider to be harmful abuse that Mark Rober is instilling upon the working class to bolster your dogshit point. You are pathetic.
And? I said low risk not no risk. It is also low risk to fly and yet planes crash sometimes dosen’t stop people from flying. Also this case has nothing to do with porch pirating so why bring it even up?
Are the goalposts heavy? If someone shoots someone knocking on their door, they’ll unload a full clip into a someone trying to steal from them
Criticizing Mark Robber is deserved but could you do that without diluting an extremely important term?
You don’t want to criticize him. You want to defend him. That’s why you’ll nitpick the things I said in order to be PURPOSELY PROVACTIVE instead of actually addressing the point of the article. The point that you fully agree with.
What you’re doing right now is defending the person you also say deserves criticism. Suck me from the back, lib
Ah, so it’s only torture if it comes from Gitmo, otherwise its ‘sparkling chemical warfare’.
Do we have to wait until someone loses an eye from getting chemicals shot into it before we demonize this? What are we, libs?
I really hope you aren’t comparing me pranking my sister by spraying fart spray in her room to rigging a package to dispense it onto your enemy, surely you aren’t doing that?
I ignored the indian call center bio warfare because I don’t disagree with your analysis.
So you’re morally corrupt and willing to lie to bolster your shitty point, thanks for letting me know that.
Porch pirating or grabbing something out of a car is pretty low risk
Ahem Black teen shot in the head after knocking on the wrong door
Could we perhaps cease playing ‘devils advocate’ when a rich white guy gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars from an AT&T sponsorship to terrorize poor people? That would be fantastic.
I literally addressed this at the end of the article. I prefer theft directly from corporations. What specifically would you call this other than torture? For instance, if it was done to a truly innocent person would it just be a ‘prank’? Would you like to see pranks like this done to people?
Plus you ignored the Indian call center bio warfare, where he unleashed hordes of cockroaches on workers
how does the author know that the thieves really need to steal in order to survive
why would someone steal if not to get money to live? What’s the point of risking violence from cops or psychotic gun wielding bystanders?
I hope you Ethan defenders watched the hospital bombing segment on today’s episode lmao
they haven’t let that emotion turn into support for the Israeli retaliation
Once again, I disagree. Ethan is parroting Israeli state propaganda like the beheaded babies and the pink blood. He got so mad about most of his chat saying the pink blood was fake that he turned chat off to create an echo-chamber.
Hila denied that the IDF tortures Palestinians on a daily basis, even though she previously volunteered to go on a night raid to steal Palestinians from their homes.
Ethan tried to do a ‘gotcha’ on Hasan about IDF raping Palestinians. He doesn’t believe it’s happening.
I just don’t like how you’re giving her the benefit of the doubt. If she’s being influenced by zionist media, that means she is now parroting it to the hundreds of thousands of people that watch the podcast. I’m not ok with that.
That reactionary thought should be brutally crushed