noamdeeznutz [none/use name]
this is exactly the problem that #forcethevote was trying to expose, if there were no justice dems in the democratic party we might focus on a 3rd party or even better direct action. Having justice dems in congress gives everyone false hope because they will never fight for programs they promised to implement
the whole point of this was to expose the squad - to show that they wont even do the bare minimum, there is so much wasted energy trying to reform the democratic party :xi-plz:
but if you put together the ‘sum total of media snippets’ from when she was running vs after she got elected it is clear that she has ignored independent media and embraces only mainstream media and puff pieces the sames ones that trash politicians like her and Bernie every chance they get - but im sure she hasn’t sold out yet, lets just wait and see how she will vote on the military budget…oh wait
override will be tough with a lot of republicans switching sides on this bill now
but $2,000 is still $2,000