nobodycares [any]
One thing that I didn’t find out until a few years ago–I’m old–is that Latin America and Africa were deliberately excluded from the Marshall Plan development loans, and actually left talks over that, because why the fuck would they stay in them if the plan was “we’re going to continue making sure your economy remains brutally extractive and what wealth it does produce leaves as capital flight”. It was always made out to be that the Marshall Plan was just the US helping out the whole world etc. etc.
is it just me or is “One Billion Americans” the lib version of the 14 words
Same here, had one teacher who was sort-of-not-really closeted who was constantly inviting teenage boys to group dinners at his house, vacations, lots of photographs, kept long, categorized contact lists of former students, etc. had been doing it for a long time, and like nobody said anything for, IDK, 20 years? Had another teacher, straight this time, who was sort of doing the same shit just a bit more low-key.
I’m hard-pressed to call it ‘pedophilia’ but it is exploitative, and there’s just no way they don’t know at some level they’re exploiting a power dynamic and taking advantage of kids who don’t get the attention or care they need at home or who are just isolated.
By way of comparison I’ve got a family friend who was a teacher for a long time, and one thing he says is “he just needs a little push” and makes a gesture like pushing a kid on a swing, and what he means is, he can tell when a kid has a sad home life. The difference is he isn’t preying on them. And how many kids are there that are “disruptive” that it would just need a mild intervention, a “corrective experience” like therapists say. If me, an untrained person, can think about shit from my school days and pick that out… I know a professional can. Which makes me think that there’s just no way that teachers who see kids hours a day can’t pick up on that. I get angry thinking that there’s people who can recognize someone with that sort of emotional suffering, and instead of steering them to get help, start treating them like a potential sexual conquest.
IDK I’m convinced Biden is the actual accelerationist choice now because there’s no “normal” to go back to any attempt to do so is going to be hilarious
Sure, but on the calculation debate–it was a thing that happened and it’s fairly important, and I don’t really know where to look to find a high-level guide to it which is what i’m after, even if it’s just historical.
I mean on it’s face it’s ridiculous. Markets allow “action at a distance” on prices but they also have massive externalities and they’re lossy so it hardly stands that other means to calculate prices would all be inferior and might in fact be better especially considering the computing power available today. Leigh Phillips has massive galaxy-brain but i’m with him on that one, but don’t really know where to look to learn more b/c LOL Jacobin doesn’t even index their books, let along print bibliographies in them.
On LVT–what does neoclassical econ say prices reflect? Inputs + demand? Does it really claim that all profits can be attributed to marginal utility? I mean i realize in a way these are ridiculous questions because bourgeois economics is fundamentally ridiculous but i do want to understand what they think they’re getting at when they get cranky about government meddling and how they explain the “success” of neoliberalization (to the extent that it can’t entirely be explained as primitive accumulation and commodification in the developing world)