nobodycares [any]
It’s not doomer to admit that this shit is really really bad and the best likely outcome is still bad, it’s only doomerism if you don’t kick against the pricks who did this shit
That said this COVID shit is making it very hard for orgs to stay together and engaged locally at least
One thing that I didn’t find out until a few years ago–I’m old–is that Latin America and Africa were deliberately excluded from the Marshall Plan development loans, and actually left talks over that, because why the fuck would they stay in them if the plan was “we’re going to continue making sure your economy remains brutally extractive and what wealth it does produce leaves as capital flight”. It was always made out to be that the Marshall Plan was just the US helping out the whole world etc. etc.
100% chance the front page of Vox ran articles that used the phrase “systematic racism” that same week if not day, this is beyond parody
Vote for Hillary. It’s her turn
IDK I’m convinced Biden is the actual accelerationist choice now because there’s no “normal” to go back to any attempt to do so is going to be hilarious
The Problem with Looking For Lessons in the John Brown story is that his K:D ratio wasn’t high enough
is it just me or is “One Billion Americans” the lib version of the 14 words