
ofriceandruin [none/use name]
There are differences, but as I’ve stated in this thread multiple times, why is it that when in it comes to things like universal healthcare, universal college, etc. people are all on board and correctly disregard right wing austerity framing but when it comes to child support it morphs into weird zero-sum mindsets where people have to tighten their belts? If the partner doesn’t want the kid, don’t make them pay child support, have the state do it. Simple.
Your distinctions are all a matter of framing. For example, instead of ‘usurious lending’ I could call it a “free choice” to take on that debt. We all learn about spending and saving money, even if on a basic level. But I’m not gonna fall into dumb libertarian shit like that. Everyone of course “knows” that sex leads to children, but do they really “know” what that entails? This applies to those that get pregnant and those that don’t. What’s with all this weird “personal responsibility” shit when it comes to this issue? It’s strangely libertarian and Jordan Peterson-esque
I’m saying that nobody should be in a precarious situation. If one partner wants an abortion then let them have it. If the other doesn’t want the raise the child then let the state help with aid. It’s not mutually exclusive, unless you’re operating on some sort of weird austerity mindset, or some weird Jordan Peterson “men are men and should pay” shit, or some other kind of zero-sum view.