
ofriceandruin [none/use name]

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“She” gets to face the consequences: pregnancy. “She” now has to terminate it or carry it to term and decide whether to keep it or give it up for adoption. Those are the consequences.

Precisely, so let her decide. And let the “man” decide if he wants to support a child. If not, let the state intervene and provide child support. As I’ve stated elsewhere in this thread, why is it that people go all in on Medicare for All, free college, and all that jazz, but when it comes to universal child support, they suddenly become these austerity hawks and start using borderline gender essentialist shit to say “well the man should pay.” Here is how I feel about that: https://pasteboard.co/JDHZ3v3.jpg)

Abortions, just like giving birth, can be unpleasant and traumatizing.

This reminds me of the shaming rhetoric used in the 90s about abortions being “safe, legal and rare” (https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-48-shifting-media-representations-of-abortion-part-i).


Oh god, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Tell me, were you forced to have sex under conditions that may lead to conception? No? Then welcome to being “an adult with a sex life”.

Again, a Ben Shapiro could come along and say the same thing to a woman who got pregnant. He would say, “no one force you to have sex, so now you gotta accept the consequences of being an adult and not murder that baby!” The only difference is that a pregnant person has the option to terminate the pregnancy if a child is not desired. I don’t understand how this is so hard to see tbh.

Not only are you a misogynist, you’re a racist too. Shocking.

You know nothing about me but ok lololol. This is some lib-level name calling…


I never compared it to rape. I said that the reasoning used by people telling men to “man up and be responsible for your sperm” is similar to that used by rape apologists who tell women “don’t be sluts and you won’t be assaulted.”

If two people who have the right parts to get pregnant decide to have sex they also have to be mature enough to accept the possibility of conception.

It sucks to be “forced” to have a familial relationship when you didn’t want that but if it’s that much of a dealbreaker you the adult must take steps to prevent it. This includes birth control, sterilization, abstinence, other type of sexual activities, choosing partners who can’t conceive.

Like I said, this reasoning is very similar to that used by rape apologists. Furthermore, those “adults” may not even be that mature. As I’ve said in other parts of this thread, our brains don’t even fully mature until at least the age of 25.


Fuck off

Peeps in this thread also seem to get really angry when their reactionary tendencies are pointed out…


Existing gender roles lead to women being seen as the better caregiver than men. Don’t we want to fight against gender roles?

Apparently they don’t lol… which is why I was worried that they were using thinly veiled gender essentialism when they were talking about things like the “sperm producing” partner carrying the burden and talking about that personal responsibility shit (i.e. “maybe you shouldn’t have had sex if you didn’t want a baby!”). Also talking about “biological differences” in similar ways to how race realists like to bring that shit up. Honestly the whole thing is super reactionary.


You’d be surprised… peeps in this thread like to tout out the whole “be personally responsible and accept the consequences” thing… very Jordan Peterson-esque tbh


Lol tell that to all the dumb dumbs here who seem to put words in your mouth. Funny, when they can’t respond to a legit question or criticism they just say “post hog.”


What could I do to convince you I don’t use sockpuppets? Get an admin to check IP addresses? Is that possible?

You can’t do anything about it tbh… it’s like anti-semitism smears against Corbyn: trying to fight against them is only further evidence in their eyes.
