
ofriceandruin [none/use name]
I’d be careful about the “i’d love to support this, but in our current society” kind of thing. This form of rhetoric is always used to shut down things like medicare for all or cancelling students loans or whatever. We absolutely can have state provide this right now, just like we absolutely can provide things like universal healthcare and education.
When you freely give your sperm to someone you lose the right to determine what happens to it. If you aren’t comfortable with that arrangement you need to be vigilant about your condom usage or get a vasectomy. I’ve been vigilant about my birth control usage because I don’t want children.
Also, this sounds exactly like something rape apologists say… not a good look
Yeah and that’s bad, what I’m saying is that if you’re rich you should be forced to pay for everything, what ever it is, and for the working class the state should be the primary benefactor
So then you wouldn’t support medicare for all or college for all? You’d have them be means tested?
Fuck no, the state should become the sole domain of the working class, the capital class should be tossed outside its protection, so they as a social caste can wither and die, this is less “means testing” and more total class warfare
Uh… Okay… but then who’s working class and who’s capitalist class? You said earlier that “rich” people should be forced to pay. Now you’re saying capital class. What are you trying to say?