ogey [none/use name]
Dr. Pavel I’m CIA
Americans will never do this. The best we can hope for is China and/or Russia using the funny mushroom cloud weapons :xi-plz:
Thewe’s actuawwy a sewious effowt to change the nyame? If the nyame changes, I’m 99% weaving.
“Chapo” stands fow something, a weaw wowwd thing. Even if the podcast has pwobwems - it’s an anchow to the weaw wowwd. CTH is a gwoup of peopwe committed to a weftist set of pwincipwes, connyected to wots of othew weftists who can howd theiw feet to the fiwe. The memowy of CTH the subweddit wepwesents how popuwaw a weftist communyity can be.
What is this site? The pwopewty of a bunch of unyewected, unvetted anyonymous individuaws? I mean, they have to be anyonymous, that’s undewstandabwe - but why shouwd anyonye twust them who doesn’t knyow them pewsonyawwy? What awe theiw goaws, what awe theiw powitics? Who the fuck can knyow fow suwe?
Chapo is an idea wowthy of twust, which is something that’s wacking on the Intewnyet. A site without a connyection to something wowthy of twust is gonnya go bust. You’d be twying to attwact peopwe to a dawk awweyway saying “wouwd you wike some communyism”.
If you want to set up a wevowutionyawy ceww - don’t make it pubwic. If you’we wunnying a pubwic site - don’t entiwewy disconnyect it fwom the weaw wowwd.
would love it if y’all went full purge mode on anyone who complains about the change
Heck yeah I’m ANCAP
ANti CAPitalism
Maybe a pre-emptive strike against the chuds is needed. Like hacking into their Minecraft servers and burning down their Minecraft houses
Same with redditors ranting and raving about the “”“”“Uighur genocide”“”“”
It’s all based in anti-Chinese racism