Other places where you can find me
- Medium: @orizuru
- Mastodon: @orizuru@mastodon.world
- Websites:
- clearnet: https://orizuru.neocities.org
- i2p mirror: orizuru.i2p
Not a blog, but a way of discovering new blogs. I subscribe to the unofficial best hacker news submissions RSS feed.
I found the blog on an IT guy that works in a research station in Antarctica.
I see you already have an answer using podman.
But don’t be afraid of the command line. If you can copy/paste a few commands, it’s pretty easy to set up.
I honestly find installing docker harder than to start a locally hosted searxng instance.
Also, something like self-hosting your own email is way harder and requires a lot more maintenance. I’d leave that project to further down the line.
Not sure it will solve your problem, but if you’re not happy with the public SearXNG instances, you can run your own instance of SearXNG on your local machine, and even set up custom filters and redirects to get rid of SEO junk.
The Irish Famine was a genocide, because it was intentional. I should’ve clarified I mean that famines can be genocides, but are not inherently genocidal.
I’ll note that your own source says in the very first line:
While scholars are in consensus that the cause of the famine was man-made, whether the Holodomor constitutes a genocide remains in dispute
Here’s a quote from the Irish Famine (same source: wikipedia)
Virtually all historians reject the claim that the British government’s response to the famine constituted a genocide, their position is partially based on the fact that with regard to famine related deaths, there was a lack of intent to commit genocide.
So you have two options:
You either accept both as a genocide
Or you basically pick-and-choose based on whichever country was responsible for the genocide.
My guess is that you’ll take the second option.
Famines are not genocides lol. Though I suppose you could make the case that the embargo on the USSR caused a lot of excess deaths. Famines were extremely common before the USSR took power because it was a pre-industrial society, the USSR ended that. Also, the USSR is a completely different government from the Russian Federation.
How do you feel about the Irish Famine?
The Russian anti-war activists are clearly holding up their end of the bargain. Why are you not holding up yours?
Ah! To be young and naive enough to believe that the anti-war activists in Russia have any leverage. They will all end up in Siberia or jumping out of a window.
Any regime change in Russia will come from the oligarchs, and the Russian working class will still be in a bad position (if not worse).