depends on how often you need to access the data really
hmm… try switching out of legacy boot mode (to uefi) and then disable pxe boot
hopefully they’ll design some package manager incompatible with android at the most basic level - and then double down when it’s proven to be a huge mistake. a good tick upwards for dev jobs, but the time for actual competition was over 10 years ago. this will fail miserably.
if you want to try other distros, try using gnome-boxes for a bit - it lets you easily spin up a virtual machine. there’s better vm apps out there but boxes is really simple to use. I played around with getting Arch installed via cli last night in a vm (via boxes) - didnt actually install it of course, just re-partitioned the /dev/vda, etc.
I was using mx linux for a while on my testbench machine, switched over to kde neon recently and it’s a much better experience.
lemmy, ycombinator, arstechnica in that order. I prefer news aggregators over individual sites.
always thought it’d be really neat to be able to smell as well as dogs do.
4000 gallons isnt that much in the grand scheme of things (for train derailments)
do the same thing I’m doing now. probably work less, and retire earlier though.