piaoliang [none/use name]
But their energy would have been redirected towards work and a family, and nobody would ever hear from them. Sure they’d be getting shat on, weak men are treated brutally by other men. The point is that they would not be loose to harm the rest of society. They could have all the intrusive thoughts they wanted about teenage girls and we wouldn’t have to hear it. Now they’re screaming 24/7 and their voice echoes around the world.
In capitalist countries, about 100 years ago the artistic community decided it had had enough of the filthy commoners and decided to exclude them from art. Permanently. Today, it’s not getting better, it’s getting worse.
Art simply isn’t a part of anyone’s lives any more. Unless you’re well-off and have pretty much run out of things to buy. Then you fill that hole in your life with art buying and people kissing your ass because you’re a “patron of the arts”.
Well yeah. They’re men who have no place in a demasculinized society. Used to be, society would find a purpose for these men and set them on their path. With a matchmaker if necessary. Now? They’ve got nothing. They’ve figured out that humans aren’t meant to live this way, and are really distressed and freaked out about it. These men used to be silent, but now we can hear them. And boy, we sure don’t like what they have to say. Remember back when liberals thought that giving everyone in the world a voice and letting them talk together was going to fix every problem and would be the best thing ever? 20 years ago none of these people would have talked to more than a thousand people in their lives.
I’m betting on AI. Before long it will be able to detect them from social clues and vocabulary patterns and we’ll be able to silence them again. The end of internet anonymity would be a big step forward, too. China requires real-name registration to use any social network. Upset the users, and you get banned and can not return.