piaoliang [none/use name]
My grandfather had a grassy berm behind his house with lots of those telephone poles with the collectible glass insulators still on them. He said it used to be the streetcar, back before they tore it up.
And sure enough, when you look at old maps, there it is, going all the way to Galveston.
The whole point of real estate is “they ain’t making any more of it”! Scarcity!
Moreover, it’s the only investment you can live in!
Virtual bullshit is nearly infinite. There is no scarcity! And you can’t fucking live in it!
The liberal establishment is basically disconnecting the right from society. The Canadian trucker treatment. Lauren Southern’s parents can’t stay at an AirBNB because she violates their community standards.
This sounds like a larf, but the right is slowly building its own infrastructure. They have their own twitter, their own youtube, now an amazon. When you put an organism under stress, it either dies or evolves. I’m worried that this isn’t wiping out the right, I’m worried this is only making them stronger.
white kid
fake AF
No way, it’s immigrants for sure