pimpsandchuds [des/pair]
i had no idea this gun existed, and i am somewhat of a history buff. i knew the mosin was the primary rifle for the ussr but i had no idea they developed a semi-auto rifle but didn’t have the productive capacity to equip their military with it.
edit: but i’m one of those history buffs who doesn’t play ww2 video games
brands skating by on image alone. a lot of gun companies, such as remington, ain’t what they used to be. they rely on boomer nostalgia and old product placement to keep their guns in circulation. my buddy was telling me about some cartier rings that they sell for $1k that only have about $115 worth of gold in them. i know shysters have always been a thing but hey you asked for a current fave
you may find this hard to believe, but it was written by a CEO of a non-emergency medical transportation blood factory whose top result on google is a transcript of a podcast interview hosted on the MCKINSEY website :soypoint-2:
when you find yourself admiring the bitter, lonely despot in the story :side-eye-1:
Team McDonalds wins the World Cup