please_dont [he/him]
Is this really happening at any meaningfull capacity tho. First of all this issue only can really apply to Iran, Russia, Syria. And even in the most terminaly online spaces at most i have seen a single digit amount of people geniounly and unironicaly thinking these countries or governments or leaders are socialists. For Iran i dont see it happening and at most there are some Putin supporters in the left in a kind of “he isnt worse than socdems and something big cool leader theory”. Not that him or Russia are socialist. For Syria even most uncritical Assad supporters in the left for example will just say “Yeah he isnt a socialist but he is by far the best choice and the communist party of Syria backs him too”.
The only instance that this could be true as in there is a non zero % of the left that thinks given nation/leader are socialist is Lybia and Gaddafi, who wasnt really socialist imo but in this case there is some nuance of the " strong welfare state and policies without imperialism and with anti-imperialism=aligned with socialism" mindset
capture of Saigon
weird way of saying liberation
And there are people still (even in this site) that will bend backwards to explain how it is actualy a savvy and calculated move by Bernie cause somehow just acknowlegding the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Afghans allongside the 8-9 america centered points would make this already run of the mill statement less effective to any noticable or important group of people reading it .Or that the inconsequensial amount of people that it would turn off is more important than the value of a popular senator repeating publicly the genocidal death toll of the empire even as a throwaway line. These are always the dumbass “debates” in the online american left around tired statements like this
When you say “real material choice” you must be more specific. Even for the big majority of people of low income backgrounds that enlist (which is noticably less of a % than a lot of people think) the choice isnt between enlisting to the most genocidal and destructive org in modern history(not saying the already knew it or should) or starvation,asbolute poverty and homelessness. It usualy is between a sucky ,struggling to make ends meet life with no upwards social mobility that is still better than what billions of people experience or enlisting. So it depends if you consider this “not having a real material choice” and if you expect a non american or third worlder to think of it as such . Also thinking about how this can be applied to other jobs that offer safe and stable income and have a similar % of poor people joining in like lets say cops and in context of how that “understanding” could be applied in many other cases through modern history
It has its fanservice and doesnt really “break away from anime’s sexualization of women/minors” as much as people here suggest. Gainax and Anno were and always have been both otakus and horny but even then its more toned down than a lot of modern (or contemporary to it) shows but its still there . Tho in a couple of scenes nudity isnt at all for male gaze but for narrative reasons etc. The important thing is that it isnt there in enough quantity and regularity to ruin the show and the show itself is very good in direction, visuals, designs ,atmosphere,music, characters etc so its worth a watch for sure imo
I mean in contrast to the US or western government the CPC is sufficiently detatched (as sufficiently as it can be after reform and oppening up) from capital and buisness and has power over it and levers of regulation, punishment and political action ready to be deployed and are deployed against Capital and buisness way more than in a western government. So a party line like this from the CPC central committee does mean way more than Hilary going “i went to th wall street and said them to be good boys”