The Internet is like TV 2.0?
You’re comparing a unidirectional medium to a bidirectional medium, just for starters. It’d be much more appropriate to compare the Internet to phone or telegraph, but neither of those are adequate either.
Consider that the internet enabled smartphones. Many other things did too, but the thing that separates smartphones from those other things is Internet. It turned an already cool wireless global voice communication device into the equivalent of like 40 separate devices you used to own 30 years ago, but that fits in your pocket, and can still do unbelievable god-like shit that just wasn’t possible back then, period.
Smartphones are so ridiculous that in many movies made today they have to pretend smartphones don’t exist, because if they did then the problems that form the basis of the plot wouldn’t—so I see a lot of movies that look like they’re set in circa 2000s, i.e. mostly present day with dumbphones. Anyway.
All this is not to say that anything is more impactful than electricity. I’m just saying Internet is not tv 2.0.
If society has a problem with Bill Burr, then I don’t want to live in that society.
Magic, aka science and technology.