Any business should always honor a pricing mistake. Qantas made $2,470,000,000 in profit last year. A loss of $5,000-$10,000 won’t hurt them at all. And it shows good will to the people that fly them.
I’m so glad I’m on S1. Not only do my devices not support S2, they put it into a feature freeze so it does everything I want.
I’ve done a 1PB sync between a pair of 8-node SAN clusters as one was being physically moved since it’d be faster to seed the data and start a delta sync rather than try to do it all over a 10Gb pipe. M
So what are some normal wet times?
Cloud was never supposed to be “cheap”. It has always been a utility based model where you pay for how much you use it. The problem is, way too many people used is as a 1:1 replacement without rearchitecting their workloads, so of course it’s gonna be more expensive.
That’s not a bug. It’s the intended outcome. Prisoners can be forced into labor. What better way to have a nearly endless labor supply made up of people who generally won’t be missed.
So what I’m gleaming from this, all other things being equal:
- objects (clothes, accessories): okay
- the person themselve: not so much
I see someone took my suggestion
Blood does not a family make. It just means the composition looks different.